“ Everyone on Earth has a treasure waiting for them, where your heart will be. ”

The Alchimist, Paulo Coelho

“ Everyone on Earth has a treasure waiting for them, where your heart will be. ”

The Alchimist, Paulo Coelho

Orientation Coaching

Through this type of coaching you will move towards your answers to the following examples of situations:

– No longer fulfilled, you want to find the professional orientation that resonates with you?

– You want to contribute more to what is meaningful to you?

(Re)discovering your dreams and passions and making them come true is one of your wishes?

– Sometimes lacking a sense of alignment, you would like to find harmony between your thoughts, your heart and your actions?

– As an entrepreneur or executive, you want to (re)define the vision of your company?

Your work-life balance is important to you and you would like to live it fully?

– Afraid of missing out on your life, of having regrets in the future, you would like to turn your ambitions into reality?

You will reconnect to what is most important to you, generating all the energy you need to act towards the lighthouse that shines within you.
